Olivia has the full attention of Joshua Grooms of the Landmark Bowling Alley in Peoria, Ill., where she sought residents' reactions to her 'Sex and the City' outfits in 2002. (Photo: Anne Ryan, USA TODAY)
Olivia's Miss America credential. The assignment "let me step into the hose and heels and beaded gowns as the hypothetical 52nd contestant," she wrote. (Photo: Eileen Blass, USA TODAY)
A star is born: Olivia on the set of 'The Today Show' for a day in the life of Kathie Lee Gifford in 2009. (Photo: Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY)
Olivia gets some instruction on how to work a puppet on the set of 'Sesame Street' in Queens, N.Y., for a behind-the-scenes story in 2004. (Photo: Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY)
Olivia Barker, Journalist
A collection of greatest hits
from Olivia's fourteen-year career at USA Today:
Experiential/First Person
Miss America and me, the '52nd contestant' October 19, 2002
*Be sure to click on the behind the scenes slide show with commentary!
'Sex' doesn't play in Peoria January 24, 2002
Cancer patient: Angelina Jolie isn't the brave one May 18, 2013
Trend Stories
A concierge can take the guesswork out of social media April 8, 2014
What makes a winning Oscar look? February 27, 2014
Meet the new celebrity lifestyle gurus: Paltrow to Alba June 17, 2013
Kate the great? Style-wise, it's up for debate October 17, 2012
Marijuana's celebrity stigma goes up in smoke April 3, 2013
You are not so formally invited with an electronic wedding invitation June 5, 2008
At home: Doggone it, that pooch has a nice pad August 24, 2007
'Hipster dads' trying hard to keep their cool January 23, 2007
Hagglers gain the upper hand in a downbeat economy March 16, 2009
Can summer camps revive the lost art of letter writing? July 28, 2010
A coupon a day means you can put the scissors away June 6, 2011
Dorms make room for designers' magic September 3, 2012
Turns out, spelling can make a diffrence — er, difference August 5, 2013
Ritzy RVs April 6, 2001
Celebrity Interviews
Scarlett Johansson escapes the tabloid-gossip zoo December 25, 2011
OMG! 'Gossip Girl' returns with more surprises, juicier drama May 14, 2008
Lauren's interest in stars of all stripes keeps brand strong November 19, 2008
Follow Kathie Lee Gifford's most egg-cellent adventure April 15, 2009
Edie Falco is nursing two careers: Acting and mothering April 11, 2013
Versatile star Gerard Butler's best role? Fun-loving guy August 6, 2009
She enjoyed getting sassy/snarky in Entertain This!
5 ways Melanie Griffith can deal with that pesky 'Antonio' tattoo June 6, 2014
Lessons learned from this week's Worst Style Offenders July 11, 2014
These are some of her most creative reader engagement projects. She was the best at stuff like this:
Designer Mizrahi creates new style: USA TODAY couture May 12, 2009
Hapless cook wins lesson from Martha Stewart November 25, 2008
Marymount Designers, Gunn's top pick March 21, 2011